12/2024, Yunsu and Hye Bin's article on diffusion model for 3D CT reconstruction from a few 2D X-rays is accepted for IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP) '25. Congrats Yunsu and Hye Bin!
11/2024, Hyungsub's article on improving light-field reconstruction from limited focal stack using diffuon models is published in Proc. IEEE Intl. Workshop Mach. Learn. Signal Process. (MLSP) '24. Congrats Hyungsub!
10/2024, Full paper on advanced multi-modal analysis for a new mechano-acoustic system (collab. w/ Hee Kyu Lee (Won Research Group at SKKU), Sang Uk Park (Won Research Group at SKKU), and Prof. Won (SKKU)) is published. Congrats Hee Kyu and Sang Uk!
10/2024, U Jin and Sumin's article on the first supervised contrastive learning framework for parking slot detection is available online.
9/2024, Yunsu and Hye Bin's article on diffusion model for 3D CT reconstruction from a few 2D X-rays is available online.
9/2024, Dr. Chun is promoted to an Associate Professor.
9/2024, A new member officially joined the MIDAS lab. Welcome, Jae Young (ECE)!
7/2024, Hyungsub's article on improving light-field reconstruction from limited focal stack using diffuon models is accepted for an oral presentation in IEEE Intl. Workshop Mach. Learn. Signal Process. (MLSP) '24. Congrats Hyungsub!
6/2024, Dr. Chun attend the Korean Inst. of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conf. as an invited speaker and a session chair. His talk is entitled "Fully self-supervised learning for regression problems."
6/2024, Hye Bin's full paper on improving neural radiance field using a 3D point cloud (collab. w/ Hyun Min Han (HGU) and Dr. Hwang (HGU)) is published in Neural Process. Lett. Congrats Hye Bin!
3/2024, Dr. Chun serves as the Head of the AI Convergence Systems Track, EEE, CICE, SKKU.
3/2024, Two new members officially joined the MIDAS lab. Welcome, Dong Gyu (ECE) and Hanbom (ECE)!
2/2023, Contrats on your graduation, Woonho (EEE) and Yunsu (EEE)!

2/2024, We attend the Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding (IPIU), Jeju, South Korea! We present the following four works:
Sumin's work "Towards improving detecting cancer with a high recurrence risk with balanced contrastive learning"
Hyungsup's work "Light-field reconstruction from focal stack using denoising diffusion restoration models"
Wontae's work "Improving blind motion deblurring using deep-learning approach with coded exposure photography"
Jinbok's work "End-to-end driving system using pseudo-expert driving data"
We welcome your feedback and questions:)
